Two caches is what I
needed to find today to reach my milestone 300 finds. Two. That's easy. At
least, that's what I thought when I woke up that morning lunchtime.
Today we were headed to Aston Clinton to find a simple traditional cache that would take me to 299 finds and a Wherigo called
Rothschild Footprint that would be my 300th find.

Having been to a
house party the night before meant Nige and I didn't set out until gone
lunchtime. Parking at the suggested spot for the Wherigo, we headed off for a nearby
traditional cache before starting my milestone cache. We decided to take the long way
round as it was such a nice day - if a lot cold - and walked along the river
rather than the roads. As we walked along the footpath, admiring the houses and
their gardens that backed onto the picturesque little river, it started to dawn
on me that having a cup of tea
before heading
out was not a clever idea. Tea goes straight through me.
The first cache of
the day was Alley-way treasure; a seemingly straightforward traditional located in - you guessed it - an alleyway. We got to the alleyway and followed the GPSr to where
GZ should be. It took us about halfway through the alley. Looking around this
spot, there was no possible place to hide a cache. We figured that the coords
must be out so looked at previous logs for a clue. They were all
saying what we thought, that the cache was anything up to 70ft away for some
I took a look at the
hint. It was quite cryptic. I have a talent for cryptic crosswords though so
figured out the meaning of that easily. We started our search but felt a little
awkward as it was right next to someone's home; in fact, I was framed by their
window at one point as I looked around.
We looked all over
and still couldn't find the cache. I needed this find though so tried one last
thing; I put a message out on the BBH group saying 'I was at GZ, couldn't find
the cache, had anyone in the group found it before?' Thankfully, Smokeypugs came
to our rescue. Unfortunately, they only confirmed what we already suspected. We
had the right location and were looking in the right spot; the cache just
wasn't there. With no other caches for this area loaded on my GPSr - yes, I've
learnt my lesson, be prepared - I had to resort to my phone. A quick search on
c:geo and some suggestions from Smokeypugs, we were soon on our way to one of
the Aylesbury Ring caches.
AR11 Mandarin - Stablebridge Road is one of many caches that make up the Aylesbury Ring series.
A circuit that is split into seven sections; each one named after a species of
duck. I was a bit reluctant to go for this one as I really want to do this series
and would have preferred to do each section all together. However, time was
getting away from us, we still had the Wherigo to do and this was the nearest
cache to us.
We found our way to
GZ easily and before we could get to searching, we had to wait for a few
muggles to pass. After a glance up and down the way to make sure the coast was
clear, we got stuck in. Searching all the obvious spots revealed nothing but
then I spotted something a bit odd. I took a closer look but it still appeared
to be a dead end. I thought I would have a fiddle anyway and to my delight, the
log book was revealed.
Whilst I was
disappointed that we DNFd the last cache resulting in us doing this one, I was
pleased that we got to find this one. It has given us a taster of the rest of
the series and I am itching to tackle it now (hopefully when the days get
We had lost a lot of
time on the previous two caches so it was late afternoon by the time we reached
the starting point of Rothschild Footprint. Having successfully completed a Wherigo
before at the Halloween Mega, I thought that this would be easy. Quite clearly,
one done does not make one an expert!
I sometimes like to sing when I am out caching, on the walk between hides. This time however, as we made our way to the start of my 300th cache, I had the sudden urge to shout "This is Sparta!" much to Nige's chagrin.
I opened the Wherigo
app on my phone and started the cartridge for this cache. I started
moving about, trying to find the spot where the next stage would pop up but
couldn't get it to work. Nige thought it may be my (not so) smart phone so suggested
using his Mensa grade Galaxy Note complete with bells and whistles and super
duper 4G. That didn't work either. It was getting colder and darker as we
walked around in circles. As my mind started wandering to a place where there
were luxury toilets with heated seats, I started idly pressing things on my
phone only to find the next stage pop up! Hooray!
Finally, we headed
off to find each stage of this Wherigo. As the time was getting on, Nige wanted
to pick up the pace a bit. I have short legs though that look like Droopy Dog's
when I try to walk fast, plus I wanted to read the bits of history that were
coming up on my phone as we passed through each stage. By some miracle - read
Nige keeping an eye on me and getting frustrated with me - I managed to walk
and read at the same time without meandering into the road.
A couple of the
stages required us to collect a couple of dates as we went along. We had to use
a little ingenuity for one of these as it was so dark we couldn't make it out.
We used a bit of paper and a pencil to take a rubbing, which worked really well.
It wasn't until we neared the end of the Wherigo that I remembered reading on
the cache page that we didn't need those numbers any more to find the cache.
After visiting
various cool places around Aston Clinton, we found ourselves walking (in the
dark) through a park and a field. I couldn't quite keep up with Nige and
managed to lose sight of him for a few moments when, looking up from the phone,
my glasses steamed up. I called out that I couldn't see and ran blindly towards
his voice as he replied "Keep up you donut!"
We eventually
arrived at GZ and found the final location. I am not going to say anything
more, so as not to spoil it for future finders. All I will say is that even
though I don't like spiders, I went there and I did it!
This was an awesome
cache to find for number 300. I loved the Wherigo - once we figured out how to
work it - and I loved the final location. I urge everyone to give this one a go... or any Wherigo for that matter. Thank you to happy hunter hp20 for adopting this awesome cache and keeping it from being archived.